May 26, 2011

Some Thoughts Hours Before

I check into the hospital in 2 1/2 hours for an induction. Unfortunately, that Tylonol PM didn't work too well and I've tossed and turned in bed for a few hours until just a few minutes ago when I decided I was hungry. These are the thoughts that keep running through my head, not allowing me to sleep...

I just did this...I just did this...I just did this...

What if my body doesn't react well to the pitocin?

I don't want an IV! That part hurt really bad last year.

I'm afraid of getting an epidural.

I'm afraid of not getting an epidural.

I hate recovering from the birth...being swollen and bleeding...bathroom breaks are such a hassle.

I don't want to learn to nurse a new baby again. It's so hard for the first little while.

The first night (especially in the hospital) is so hard.

What if she's colicky? I've never had a colicky baby and I don't know if I'm equipped to handle that this time around.

What if something goes wrong...with me...or the baby?

What if she won't sleep?

I just did this...I just did this...I just did this...

It's all still a little too fresh from last year--and even though Christian was a dream baby, the problem is, he's still a baby. Not even 13 months old. I still have very clear memories of pretty much all of it--the labor, the delivery, the recovery. But he was a decent sleeper from the get go and by 7 weeks he was pretty much sleeping through the night so I'm paranoid that this little one won't sleep (because how lucky can I get the second time in a row?) and sleep deprivation leads me down the quick road to overwhelmed. Which brings me full circle--since I haven't really slept well tonight, I'm feeling significantly overwhelmed with my only task for the day: have a baby.


Robin said...

Hopefully writing it all down got it out of your sleep deprived head. You are amazing and everyone loves you and is pulling for you! You will be in my thoughts all day. I'm saying a little prayer for you right now! Love you!

Berly said...

In my thoughts today....

TIFF said...

You'll do great!!! Can't wait for the next post...I'm sure it'll include lots and lots of PINK!! Let us know if you need anything.

Natalie N said...

AHHHHHHHH!!! Didn't realize baby sister is coming today!!!!!!! All of these are perfectly valid thoughts. We're hoping for the best for you guys today. CanNOT wait to see what SHE looks like!!

love you guys!

wackywilsons said...

Please post sooooon!

Can't wait for the details!

Colorado Smarts said...

I hope everything went well today. I've had you and Marc in mind ALL day! I cannot wait to hear about how everything went and to see pictures! You are an amazing person, mom, and have an incredible family. This little girl is lucky to be coming to your home and family! Love you guys!

Shaina said...

Hope your mind got a chance to rest. Mine always goes crazy right before a big event! I didn't sleep the first week I was in the hospital with Kimble, and it took me completely breaking down, in front of everyone, to realize that I needed a break from my own mind! Anyway, hope you have a lovely little bundle in your arms right now.